Searching new search engines

Search engines have made our life very simple on internet and today, lot of credit goes to them for making internet an easy tool for information search. With the help of search engines, we can easily find useful information in seconds. Though, different search engines have their shortcoming and due to this reason, we also see search for new search engines.

However, some of the leading search engines like Google have made many times improvements in their search result presentation and their search results in recent years. We today get are more fast and accurate results from our search engines. Though, still no search is 100% in this world and therefore, we see arrival of new search engines constantly.

Many of these search engines are even offering reward points for using their search engines and people can redeem these rewards points for gifts. However, sadly most of these new search engines are not able to make any impact on users. Big search engine players like Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN etc still hold a big market in search engine world.

Therefore, competition is very tough for any new search engine to enter this highly competitive market. If any new search engine succeeds in making a name for it in future then we can definitely hope for something extraordinary in this search engine, otherwise why people should use a new search engine.

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