Samsung has introduced live TV enabled its popular handset Corby. Corby series of handsets are already very popular in India and therefore, Samsung has introduced Samsung Corby TV to enter Live TV on mobile market in India. Samsung Corby TV handset works on CDMA network unlike other Corby models which work on popular GSM network. Samsung saw a great opportunity in the form of Corby TV and available high speed CDMA wireless networks. People can enjoy 50 plus live Indian TV channels on their Samsung Corby handset.
Presently, Samsung Corby TV works on Reliance netconnect wireless broadband and Tata photon wireless broadband. People have option to choose between these networks and they are required to buy a monthly plan to watch these live channels. Therefore, people buying Corby TV are required to be ready for extra monthly charges which they will pay to wireless broadband networks. At present, Samsung Corby TV is only suitable for people living in big metro cities where wireless broadband network work well because many parts in India are still have high speed internet access.
With the entry of 3 G network in India, it will become easy for all 3 G mobile handset users to access live TV channels on their GSM networks. Though, Samsung has won this battle by launching their Live TV enabled handset in Indian market which will help Samsung in long run. Overall, Samsung Corby TV is a good option but it is more suitable for people living in big cities only where wireless broadband networks work well.
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