Review is gaming portal launched by Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Reliance Group for tapping the growing online gaming market in India. Today, lots Indians are aware of thanks to the massive ad campaigns done by Reliance on various channels and Medias. We all know that gaming industry is seeing growth around the world and India is also no way away from all this. Today the numbers of the online game lovers is on constant increase in India and this market can reach $200 million by next year.

Already, gaming industry has found strong foothold in world, some people may find this information difficult to digest that few young individuals are professional gamers and they are even earning more money than the well qualified doctors and engineers. Big gaming companies are paying handsome money to these young people for spreading the game trend in children. is also a try in the same direction. Online gaming is also becoming a reality with the presence of the broad band internet connections and computers in every home.

In future we all could hope to see only progress in this trend and entry of many new players. The advantage of online gaming is that people can easily play games with multiple players spread geographically. At present has good collection of games and lot of prizes are also associated with it for attracting visitors. also offers a free email account because email holds a major volume in overall net usage in India, though so far it has failed in attraction people.

This site has some of the problems like some pages open with difficulty and this site is not recommended for people which have slow speed internet connections. At present, many users believe that needs more improvement in uploading, site design and collection of games. also faces a big competition from hundred of free gaming websites available online which are better than in many ways.

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