Increasing use of computers and laptops in India

Computers and laptops have really become an important part of lives of people in India. Number of people who are opting for computers and laptops is increasing very fast. The major reason behind this is fall in the prices of the computers and laptops in India and second increasing demand for computer related works. Laptops which were once only believed to be made for the use of higher executives and rich person, now can be easily seen in the hands of large number of Indians. Computer can be purchased for just Rs 15000 and laptops for Rs 25000. All this may look dream but it is a big reality. Internet prices has also fallen very sharply making Internet in the reach of larger population of India. Internet connections can be easily bought for Rs 200 to Rs 1000 per month basis. This is really a sign of great progress in computer usage in India and this change will definitely help Indians in becoming more productive and advance.

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