Nokia 1100- mobile phone of India

Nokia hand sets have always remained in big demand in India. The main feature which most of the people like about the Nokia phones is their reliability. Nokia mobile model no 1100 is also one big hit among the Indians. Few years back when this phone was launched in the Indian market then it was portrayed as the phone of India. Most of the Indians live a rough and tough life and their mobile phone is also required to tough.

Nokia 1100 provided all those features to the people of the India. Though this mobile phone comes with yellow screen or simply without color screen but still this set is quite popular among the Indians for its simplicity and very economical price. At present this set is costing around Rs 1850 in the market which is not a very big price. Most of the Indians can easily afford this mobile phone. Most of the functions of this phone are similar like the earlier Nokia functions and therefore people are not required to learn any thing new.

Nokia 1100 provides a more than two days of stand by battery and charges in less than an hour. Sleek design makes it easy to carry this mobile in the pockets. Like the Nokia trade mark, this phone is also not effected by the slighter shocks. People can easily send SMS, picture messages with this handset. Other functions include Alarm, reminder and games. This handset also comes with flashlight on the top of the set which works as a torch in the emergencies. Only problem which is coming with the some version of the handsets is hanging of the set when two calls come simultaneously. Overall in this price band, this set offers a good pick.

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