Best configuration for your laptop or computer 2

Three years back, I wrote this article Best configuration for your laptop or computer. In these last three years, lot of things have changed and today, we can find many advanced and fast laptops and computers in market. As per the present computing needs, it is important to go for such fast machines which can do all our work. If we buy a fast and latest computer or laptop then it can make it very easy for us to do various works on them in fast manner. Many times, people buy old and outdated products because they do not have knowledge about latest products and configuration available in market. Below, I am updating few essentials which people should see while buying a new laptop or computer.

My advice for present configurations of Laptops and computers.

1) Processor- Intel i3/i5/i7 (1.6 to 2.4 GHz)
2) RAM- 2 to 4 GB
3) Hard Disc- 350 GB to 650 GB
4) Combo Dual Format DVD RW Drive
5) Widow- Window 7 Basic/Premium
6) Must also have inbuilt camera and Bluetooth
7) Long battery Life
8) Inbuilt graphic card
9) Weight 1.8 kg to 2.4 kg
10) USB Ports – At least two on different sides up to five.
11) Inbuilt Data backup feature.

Other options-

1) HD display
2) Dedicated graphic card
3) Finger print sensor
4) Dolby Sound

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