Can we see 50% decreases in price of iphone 3G in India?

Well answer is yes and we can hope to see major cut in the prices of iphone 3G launched in India recently. Iphone 3G 8 GB and 16 GB models are available in India for price of Rs 31000 (appx $ 800) and Rs 36500 (appx $ 900). Whereas Iphone 3G is available around the world at much cheaper price ranging from free to $ 200 with different mobile usage plans. Today, any person in India can easily buy a good laptop by paying RS 30000, therefore, iphone 3G at this price is not a good deal.

However, still there are many rich people in India who can afford to buy iphone at this price and they will definitely like to use iphone as status symbol. Now, biggest worry for most of the iphone sellers in India will be that number of people who can afford iphone at this price is very limited. Therefore, within few months there are possibilities of significant decrease in the sale of iphone in India. Second, there are good chances that gray markets will be flooded with cheap iphone handsets smuggled from US, Europe and China.

Already, Iphone 3G is available in gray market within price range of RS 15000 to Rs 25000, which will further decrease when more unofficial iphones enter India. People can easily find software applications and various hacks online or in market to unlock iphones, therefore making it easy to use iphones sold in other nations. Third, big mobile manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung have many products ready to face iphone 3G at much cheaper price. Therefore, in future only option available with iphone sellers in India will be to decrease prices of iphone by 30 to 50% to remain competitive in market. Though, it is difficult to predict exact dates when we will see decrease in the price of iphone but one thing is clear that we can see it soon.

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