Increasing dependence of Indians on Internet

In recent times, dependence of Indian people on the Internet has increased very fast and on the yearly basis, number of people using Internet for their basic needs in increasing very fast in India. Mostly, this increase is coming from the younger generation of India which is finding Internet as a very convenient option for doing number of jobs. We can easily find number of services like Internet banking, online ticket booking, online shopping, and finding life partners online etc becoming very popular with the general public of India.

If Internet popularity goes on increasing in similar manner then time is not far when Indians will become the highest users of Internet in world. As per the recent survey published in Economics Times on Internet use, around 40% of Indians searching for jobs found their recent jobs with the help of online job portals. All these finding only tells that how important and useful Internet is becoming for us. Moreover, we can also expect more increase in the reach and usefulness of Internet in near future, where we are performing our most of the jobs online.

In recent times, spread of Internet is so that many middle age and old people are also forced to learn Internet to remain competitive or in touch with younger generation. Today, knowledge of basic Internet usage is very important for every Indian and it can easily provide help in simplifying their lives to some extent. With the increase in the popularity of Internet among the masses, chances of Internet related frauds have also increased.

In last few years, many Indians have become the victim of these online frauds because of less familiarity with the Internet and possible threats. Overall, it is very important for every Indian to learn Internet and simultaneously, also remain alert from all kind of the threats.

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