Poor after sales service from HCL

Two years back, I bought my first HCL laptop and hope that I will get the best service from the company. However, within two years, I realised that buying a HCL laptop was not a good decision because first machine go out of service for three times in last two years and second HCL service centre take weeks in attending my complaints. Last month, I saw my worst experience with the HCL, as they denied my three warranties and told me that I have only one year warranty. Thankfully this matter got solved when showed them the three warranty card provided by company to me. However, this whole incident took one month time before my laptop is repaired. Now any person who uses a laptop can easily understand that how frustrating it is work with it. Therefore, I request people to not only go for the less price of the HCL but also consider the quality and service of the machine.

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